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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016
Menggabunkan Audio Kedalam Sajian Multimedia
Hari ini saya belajar Menggabunkan audio kedalam sajian
multimedia, pertemuan pertama ini saya langsung dikasihkan tugas untuk membuat
effect di adobe after effect di karenakan waktu hari senin guru kami sibuk dan kami pun sibuk untuk acara syukuran kelas
baru , sebelum kami mengerjakan tugas itu kami harus memlih teman untuk di
jadikan bahan/ video yang di edit di after effect.
cara menggunakan effect di after effect
1. Pertma kita klik di toolbar file lau pilih impor file (ctrl+i), setelah
itu kita cari bahan ingin di edit/sudah di buat lallu kllik open
2. Setelah sudah di masukan file yang ingin di edit, kita
copy/duplicate (ctr+d) sebanyak 3
3. Setelah itu kita masukan effect cc scattize pada vidiio/bahan
palin atas
4. Lalu kita crop video yang telah kita duplicate semuannya,
untuk menentukan detik video menghilang
5. Setelah itu kita klik ctr+1 untuk menggunakan tools, tool
yang digunakan yaitu pen tool untuk menandai objek yang ingin dihilangkan,
setelah selesai ditandai.
6. Lalu kita masuk ke video 1 yang sudah di kasih effect baru
kita aktifkan dan selessai
Bahasa Inggris
10 Contoh Soal Reading Section
Reading Section
I. Incomplete Dialogues
Operator: "Good morning. May I
help you?"
Man: "Good morning. May I speak with Mr. Jones, the Personnel Manager?"
Operator: "I’m sorry, he has a meeting until twelve. ...?"
Man: "Alright. Please tell him Mr. Ferry from PT. Abadi called."
Man: "Good morning. May I speak with Mr. Jones, the Personnel Manager?"
Operator: "I’m sorry, he has a meeting until twelve. ...?"
Man: "Alright. Please tell him Mr. Ferry from PT. Abadi called."
- May I leave a message?
- May I take a message?
- Would you like to take my message?
- Would you tell him my message?
Eko: "I need to type this
document. ...?"
Yesi: "Yes, of course. I just have 2 more pages to print."
Yesi: "Yes, of course. I just have 2 more pages to print."
- Am I able to use the computer?
- Would I use the computer?
- Will I use the computer?
- May I use the computer?
Deni: "You speak English very
well. ...?"
Lia: "I’ve been studying English since Junior high school. It’s my favorite subject."
Lia: "I’ve been studying English since Junior high school. It’s my favorite subject."
- How long will you be learning English?
- When did you learn English?
- What was your favorite subject in junior high school?
- How long have you been learning English?
Receptionist: "Good morning.
Can I help you?"
Caller: "Yes, .... Is that possible to get two double rooms for next month?"
Receptionist: "Of course, Sir. May I have your name and address, please?"
Caller: "Yes, .... Is that possible to get two double rooms for next month?"
Receptionist: "Of course, Sir. May I have your name and address, please?"
- I’d like to make a reservation.
- I’d like you to check my room.
- I’d like to reserve a table
- I want to cancel my reservation.
5. Poppy: "Can the government eliminate
corruption in the next five years?"
Mirna : ".... Law enforcement must be strictly applied."
Mirna : ".... Law enforcement must be strictly applied."
- I think it’s impossible.
- I don’t think so.
- I think it’s possible.
- I disagree with you.
6. 6. Dewi: "Do you think we can get
there on time?"
Anto: "Yes. If the traffic is smooth, ... before three o’clock."
Anto: "Yes. If the traffic is smooth, ... before three o’clock."
- we would arrive
- we will arrive
- we would have arrived
- we are arriving
7. 7. Shop assistant: "May I help
you, Sir?"
Customer: "Yes. I bought this pair of trousers this morning, but there is no button hole. ...?"
Shop assistant: "Do you have the receipt with you, Sir? We’ll replace it."
Customer: "Yes. I bought this pair of trousers this morning, but there is no button hole. ...?"
Shop assistant: "Do you have the receipt with you, Sir? We’ll replace it."
- May I return it?
- Do you like it?
- May I have a bigger size?
- Is there another color available?
8.8. Hani: "This printer doesn’t
seem to be working."
Rika: ".... It may have been unplugged."
Hani: "You’re right. Maybe someone used it with a laptop computer."
Rika: ".... It may have been unplugged."
Hani: "You’re right. Maybe someone used it with a laptop computer."
- Cut the cable.
- Check the cord.
- Unplug the cord.
- Use it for printing.
Man: "Excuse me. Could you tell
me how to get to the post office, please?"
Woman: "...."
Woman: "...."
- It’s next to the police station.
- Go straight ahead and turn right at the first crossroad.
- It’s around the corner from the station.
- It is located across from the shopping center.
Boim: "It’s very hot in this
Inna: "Yes, I know. If we had more windows, ...."
Inna: "Yes, I know. If we had more windows, ...."
- we will have more fresh air.
- we would have more fresh air.
- we will have had more fresh air.
- we would have had more fresh air.
Postingan (Atom)
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10 Contoh Soal Reading Section Reading Section I. Incomplete Dialogues 11 . Operator: "Good morning. May I help you?...